How to Overcome Loneliness - 15 Techniques That Work Like a Charm

Keep up any current relationships, as well . . . stay in touch with your friends and associates. Offer to meet them for coffee or tea.

3. Use your hobbies and interests as a springboard for meeting new people. Join a book reading group, gardening club or sign up for an exercise class.

No matter where you may live, there is probably an animal shelter that needs volunteers to help care for the homeless pets.

Our local newspaper ran a story last week about a man who lost his job, so he volunteered at the animal shelter. He made lots of animal and people friends and soon became the director of the shelter. And now he has a new life which he absolutely loves!

In nearly every community there are nursing homes where lonely, aging and sick people reside. Open your heart to them. By helping others, you'll help yourself.

I know people who take their therapy pets to nursing homes and group homes for homeless children, where they allow their pets to minister unto the elderly and sick, to touch people's lives. I know others who take gift baskets to nursing homes. And others who play music for those who are handicapped or bedfast.

5. Take your dog to obedience class.

You'll meet other dog owners and you can participate in fun meets and obedience trials. Note: Avoid using your pet as a substitute for human companionship. But a happy, healthy dog can introduce you to new friends!

6. Go to your house of worship and get involved.

There will be programs you can participate in and people to meet, classes to join and special services to attend. You'll find caring people who can help you to make new friends and connections. Reach out in kindness to other lonely people in the religious community. Your loneliness will subside!

7. Find someone in your life to help in some way. Sometimes just being a good listener will make lots of new friends for you. Find someone who lives on your street or in your apartment house who might welcome your friendship and strike up a conversation.  

Nothing replaces real live friends with whom you can interact in person!

13. For example, if you go to a nearby walking track, which is frequented by lots of people in your community . . . instead of keeping to yourself and avoiding social contact, speak to other walkers and enter into conversations with them. Soon someone will warm up to you, and you'll have a nice, rewarding discussion. Going there several times a week will allow you to keep up your new relationships with others who exercise and give you the opportunity to meet new people.

You don't have to be an extrovert to let your light shine and befriend others. In turn, they will be friends to you.

15. Find ways to make yourself more appealing. All of us have a few flaws. Identify yours and work to change them, thus making yourself more attractive to others.

The Power Of Good Deeds

Good deeds always come back to us in surprising ways. They open doors for us in their own good time. As you open your arms to others, you'll develop a kinship with many people. coffee of the month club

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